Charism | To live the Good News of Jesus and witness to the presence of God as we enter into the lives and needs of people around the world, especially those who are poor. We strive to be a source of new life, new meaning and new hope. |
Founded by | Mother Alexia, Mother Alfons, and Sister Clara |
Founded | 28 April 1874 |
Superior General | V. Rev. S. Lee Agnes Hodapp, OSF |
Generalate | 1515 S Layton Blvd, Milwaukee, WI 53215, United States Phone:+1 414-384-1515 |
Provincial | Rev. Sr. Jenova Perethara OSF |
Provincialate | St. Francis Provincialate Patel Nagar, Piplani P.O, P. B No: 20 Bhopal- 462 021, M. P Land Line:0755- -2920581; 2923127 |
Houses in the Diocese
Place | Name | Established | Contact Number |
Raisen | St. Francis Convent | 1975 | |
Raisen | St. Francis School | 1976 | |
Shampura | Asara Bhavan |