CharismCommunion -Union with God and the dear neighbour and creation
Founded byFr. John Peter Medaille
Founded15 October 1650
Superior GeneralV. Rev. Sr. Sally Hodgdon CSJ
GeneralateSuore di San Giuseppe di Chambery
Casa Generlizia, Via Casaletto, 260
00151, Roma, Italia
Tel: 0039 06 583 310 80/0039 06 581 8667
Provincial SuperiorRev. Sr. Regi Komoroth CSJ
ProvincialateTanmaya Province
Provincial House, Tanmaya A Block
Kurana P.O. Bhopal M.P. 462-036
Tel: 0755/2867258/09754838750(M)
Houses in the Diocese
PlaceNameEstablishedContact Number
SagarSt. Joseph’s Convent1906
SagarSt. Joseph’s School1906