CharismFollow the example of the the Virgin Mother Mary, who carrying the God of love, hastened to the hills to serve unselfishly, there by bringing Jesus through their service to others
Founded byMother Mathilde Otto
Founded25 December 1925
Superior GeneralV. Rev. Sr.Lincy Poonoly CSSE
GeneralateGemeinshaft der Elizabeth Schwestern
79098 Freiburg,West Germany.
Phone: 0049-761-3887-128/140
Provincial SuperiorRev. Sr. Karuna CSSE
ProvincialateElizabeth Niketan,
Limbodi, Govt.College P.O
Khandwa Road.
Indore,M.P. PIN-452017
Phone-0731-2877115/ 2877175(provincial)
Houses in the Diocese
PlaceNameEstablishedContact Number
GunaVandana Convent1974
GunaVandana Convent School1974
JaisinagarVandana Bhavan1985
GunaChetana Home2009